august, 2021

fri13aug10:00 am1:00 pmEvent OverLanguage Celebration Day: Punjabi10:00 am - 1:00 pm Timbertop Children's & Community CentreProgram Type:For Kids,Social Groups,Special Events & ForumsPrice:Free Event TagsAdult Learning,Children & Youth,Community,Cultural & First Nations,Family & Parenting,For Men,For Women,Language,Seniors,SocialFree3 hours


The City of Melton’s diverse community features over 100 nationalities and 130 languages being spoken throughout the municipality. Help us to celebrate these languages by sharing a piece of literature in your chosen language with others in the community.

Literature of all different languages and in many formats are encouraged including fiction books, non-fiction books, magazines, children’s books and more. Books for kids, youth, adults and seniors of many different languages will be available.

During July, August and September a new language will be celebrated with an in-centre celebration event. Join us on the following day to learn more about these languages and their accompanying culture.

Our second of the series is the Punjabi language celebration.

All sessions run from 10am to 1pm in the foyer of Timbertop Children’s & Community Centre.

People and families of all ages and backgrounds are invited to discover new languages and cultures, meet others in the local community and develop new friendships. Prefer to read up on a new language on your own? Curl up on the couch by yourself with your favourite book in your hand and jump into a different world of creative imagination!



(Friday) 10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Timbertop Children's & Community Centre

1 Timbertop Parade, Aintree, 3336


3 hours

Program Format

All sessions run from 10am to 1pm in the foyer of Timbertop Children’s & Community Centre.


Melton City Council: Timbertop Children's & Community Centre


RSVPing is closed at this time.

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